Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A Kiwi Christmas

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go... (Okay, I'll stop). But really, I leave tomorrow at the crack of dawn for my first trip to the Southern Hemisphere. This week has been intense. Our school Christmas party was all day on Saturday (almost 50 toddlers and their moms plus some daddies in a small room with only 4 other teachers... me yelling.. "Ok, Now It's Time to Sit Down!".... you can imagine. My throat still hasn't recovered) and then we partied all night for our staff end of the year party. With that, the prep for January classes, and my own packing & Christmas present issues to deal with, I've just barely survived. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I am finally on vacation. We'll be in Auckland, New Zealand by Friday morning (Thursday night back in the States) and I'll be on the beach for Christmas. Yee-ha! After New Year's, we're also heading for a 3 day stay in a lovely Marriot resort in Pattaya, Thailand. I'm so pumped that my exhaustion and developing cold aren't even phasing me.

I'm off! Merry Christmas to you all and Best Wishes for a Joy Filled New Year! See you in the Year of the Dog!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas Fest!

Ooh! Ooh! Check it out! NPR is offering this year's St. Olaf College Christmas Festival online! I'm so psyched to listen to my first Christmas Fest in... gah... 5 years? Damn! For those who don't know, the Christmas concert at Olaf is one of THE musical events of the season. Even though I wasn't talented enough to perform in it (okay, I never really tried, but...), it is an amazing choral event and just remembring "Beautiful Savior" sung the way they do it on The Hill makes me get all choked up. Amazing really, please enjoy! This makes my whole week! Um Ya Ya!!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas in Ginza

The shoppers were out in droves this weekend. Tom and I decided to face the mob in Ginza on Saturday, but only because he was desperate to replace his disintegrated wallet. I went along for the ride and took my camera so I could play while he shopped. The streets and stores were absolutely packed: imagine the Magnificent Mile (Michigan Ave.) in Chicago and you know what I mean. Only here, they don't even technically celebrate Christmas! This is mass marketing at its best though. Honestly, you would really think that Christmas is a major holiday here, but it isn't even a national holiday. As in people work on Christmas here. I know it may be obvious, but it was certainly a shock to me when I was an exchange student.

Most Japanese people may celebrate Christmas by going on a date, eating some KFC, and indulging in some Christmas cake (way to go advertising execs!) and it is hard to convince some of them that this is not actually the way we do it in the states. My former Nagano students were stunned to find out that fried chicken is not the traditional Christmas meal. Boy, if I were eating KFC for Christmas back home it would be moments after hitting bottom on the pathetic-ness scale. Granted, my Christmas ideals may be different from some but does anyone out there really feel that Christmas isn't Christmas without a bucket of the Colonel's best?

I will leave you all to ponder Christmas chicken and try to get Blogger to let me post more of my photos. Cheers!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Christmas Carols

I love Christmas. And Tokyo doesn't really come close to the magical winter wonderland of candy canes, church pagents, and snow days of my childhood. I'm trying to put a touch of sparkle in though. It helps to be doing Christmas stuff at school, but I decided I better put my tree up. Of course, my tree is from the 100 yen store (and all the decorations, too!), is a foot tall and has been in my closet with the decorations on since last January. Since this doesn't add enough spirit, I'm also combating the achy spot in my Christmas spirit with Christmas music. I love Christmas music as much as some people seem to despise it (cough! Tom! cough!), and fortunately I can stream it from Iceberg Radio in not just "traditional" flavor, but also "contemporary", "country", and "soulful" flavors! I'm a traditional girl myself, but if any of you are also more "Who" than "Grinch", check it out!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Learning to Teach

I've been having a lot of fun and a lot of success at school recently. I figure I ought to get that out tonight, before tomorrow hits and I'm in the middle of a Terribly Traumatic Thursday again...

There's really nothing new in particular, but in the last few months I've gained a new level of confidence in our little classroom. A lot of it has to do with the accumulation of practically a year's worth of experience and the rest has to do with Erik joining our school in September, providing something to which I could compare my own progress. All apologies to him (let's hope he doesn't read my blog or I'm going to feel bad), but he does a really good job reminding me of how far I've come. Little kids are tough. But they are so awesome, at the same time! I simply love (most) of these kids more than I expected. I know it sounds cliched, but weekly (if not daily) I find myself doubled over in laughter or cross-eyed at some two foot tall student who has shown me how to look at the world from a different angle. Or just stuffed an unprecedented amount of rice into a cheek before swallowing.

There are two really important things I've learned at our school in the last year that I plan to hold on to and continue to remind myself as a teacher and (eek! someday!) as a parent. The first is that if the kids aren't paying attention (and in our school, that means that they are physically running away, hiding under tables or climbing into toy buckets... not just dazing out the window. heck, dazing out the window would be a huge improvement!), then I, as the teacher/leader, am failing. As obvious as it should be- this simple point hadn't occured to me and while racing around to collect little people who wouldn't stay put I would just get so... frustrated at them!! Yuzo and Makoto, our school principals, enlightened me to the fact that we as teachers/adults/leaders are supposed to be their focal point and if we aren't engaging them successfully, then.... they'll wander off. Duh! But guess what,.. it really is the key.

The second critical lesson I learned from after getting frustrated (again!) by trying to keep the older, after school crew in line. I think that precise day I had almost lost it after a child (who shall go un-named to protect his... ahem... innocence) wouldn't stop rocking back and forth in his chair. All of them were in chairs in a semi-circle and I was worried he was going to pinch his neighbor's fingers between the two chairs. As I reached to stop him for the fifth or so time,... I got my finger pinched. And it hurt like HELL. And I was so pissed. Afterwards, Yuzo pointed out that it would be ineffective to be mad at the chair-rocker because he wasn't doing it to be bad, or to hurt his neighbor or me, or to piss me off. He was doing it because it was fun. If I wanted him to stop, I needed to give him something equally fun or even better, more fun, to replace the chair-rocking. Again, whatever we'd been doing wasn't engaging him enough and he'd figured out something "better". I needed to be thinking at kid level, not adult level. That day I learned that the kids aren't out to be annoying or break rules... they are seeking out what seems fun or interesting and if I can't direct them in the right direction, they're going to find something else that I won't like as much.

In the same way, I get "mad" less quickly now because I spend a couple seconds trying to figure out why exactly the kids are ripping pumpkins off the doors, or trying to climb on top of the table. It isn't because they're waiting to see me get mad (though I swear sometimes, they are), its because its FUN, or INTERESTING, or just PINK!

The final lesson (I know I said two, but this one I actually learned back in Nagano), is that if I come to school tired and (here's the key point) show it... then all is lost. I don't know why and I don't know how, but kids of any level (I've proved from the preschool through junior high levels but I suspect it holds true in any classroom), can just sense that the teacher is tired, cranky, sick, hung-over, or just ran a half-marathon. They just know. It's uncanny, really. Anyway, if they aren't convinced I'm in top form and ready to kick the ball, crawl under the table, or sing at the top of my lungs then I might as well not even bother. Class becomes a zoo and there's no way to salvage it. These are the days when I sincerely wish I could pop in "Nemo" or something and lock myself in the bathroom.

Okay, not sure why I'm sharing other than to show that I have actually learned something (in addition to the ability to identify all the engines in Thomas the Tank Engine, to rehydrate dry, stiff play-dough, and to get a child with a boo-boo to stop wailing) from being here this long. This... long... yeah, its been three and a half years. Wow. Start counting the date folks, I'll be home in May!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

My Other Victory

Happy December, Everyone! I love December. Not only is it my favorite time of the year, but it means that November is over! November was a lot of fun, but it was chock full of major challenges and towards the end I wasn't sure I'd make it.

But make it, I did! Not only did I write a novel of verified quantity though unknown quality but I ran a half marathon. Not only did I run a half marathon, but I improved my previous best finish by at least two minutes (officially, 1:52:30 for those who're curious)!

In order, these are my before, during (the last 1k of 21.something...), and after (beer, please?). Thanks to the beautiful Tokyo weather (its November and almost 70 and sunny? Zoiks!) and the company (six of us from the usual running crew), it was a fun Sunday afternoon run through the park(s).

And now on to December (three weeks to New Zealand!).