Jaclyn got her license! They were still a pain about it because they couldn't actually give her the license yesterday since the computer was already turned off for the day. She had to take more time off of school to go back to get it this morning. But, now one of us is finally driving legally again!!! The bad news is that Danielle was having a perfect shot at it until she went to park the car... she bumped the curb with one of the front tires. That's all it took- she failed. The worst part is that she doesn't get another chance until December!! The really bad news is that that will also be MY next chance to give it a go. Augh!!! This is such a pain in the butt.
Jax in Japan
a little peek into what's going on in my section of the universe...for my family & friends.
About Me
- Name: jaclyn
- Location: Michigan, United States
student, newlywed, runner, reader. Working to be: teacher, triathelete, dog-owner
Previous Posts
- I'm having an "I don't really want to be here" wee...
- you know, as much as I try to "not sweat the small...
- I'm alive but having serious computer issues at wo...
- Herby died! Wait, that's a bit too dramatic... mo...
- I'm having a very ho-hum week. The school festiva...
- Monday, monday... It's Monday again. I had a fu...
- Fall has roared in like a ...windy typhoon. I kid...
- Yes, I realize I have been out of touch. This wee...
- Yesterday, I promised Chie, one of the girls parti...
- The third grade students wrote some poetry today. ...

Tuesday, October 21, 2003
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