Monday, October 13, 2003

I'm alive but having serious computer issues at work (where I write my blogger entries). Every time I write you all a nice story... it gets sucked into never-never land.

So... to say it really quickly before the story-deleting monsters arrive: we had a FABULOUS camping trip last weekend: saw the sunrise, saw a huge Mt. Fuji, and generally climbed our asses off. It was incredible. Pictures some day.

School festival was also fun, though really tiring coming right after the mountain climbing bit. I ran my leg in the relay and let's just say we didn't embarass ourselves, so it was good fun.

Spent this weekend (Monday was off) in Tokyo- headed out to Yokohama's China town (see the pictures) for some Chinese food, stocked up on instant oatmeal, peanut butter & granola bars at an int'l grocery store, and saw the Pink Ladies in concert (70's era J-pop duo that is huge at camp). Didn't get home last night until after midnight!!

I'm sleepy and will try to work out the computer bugs one of these days. Stick with me!!


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