Groundhog Day

Anyone know if Jimmy saw his shadow or not? (Please, do NOT ask me who Jimmy is... do the research. For those of you who know you can start by googling my hometown).
I am really tired. I've gotten up early every day for a week (minus Sunday). And, its been a really tough week at school. On the other hand, I've gotten a lot of things crossed off my week and I feel marginally more on top of everything else. I've relaxed just a tad. I've reserved my ticket home (April 26th to Indy). I even read a magazine (Runners World, thanks Brook) which inspired me to more seriously consider both my running in general and running a marathon (Chicago) this year. I finished one book (Villa Incognito, Tom Robbins) and started another (The Secret Life of Bees, Sue Monk Kidd)).
Tomorrow is Friday and we have 16 children coming in the morning. Our usual max is 13 or 14 but somehow we ended up with 16 (it involved new kids registering after regular kids had already been signed up to come tomorrow to make-up for previous absences... something unavoidable). Regardless, it is a scary, scary number. If we can get through the morning, the rest of the day will be downhill. I may need a run in the evening though. I've found that with previous jobs I have to run because I haven't moved all day... but with this one I need to run to relax. To literally run off some of my energy from being on such a forced high all day.
And my voice is tired. I'm worried I'm going to permanantly strain my vocal chords from using it so loudly and thoroughly all day. It is becoming more and more of a relief that I will only have to do this for another two months. Preschool teaching is just so, so physical.
And the flu is suddenly on the rampage. Must go eat some mikans.
ps. the above picture is Tom and I in front of Tane Mahuta, the largest Kauri Tree in New Zealand (45 feet in circumference!).
pps. yes, Tom is a geek. (Disclaimer:I can say that 'cause I love him.)
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