Be Back Soon!

Recovering from vacation is taking time. I had a fantastic time in New Zealand and Thailand and getting back in to Tokyo life has been TOUGH. I'm suddenly faced with the fact that I'm leaving the country for good in less than three months, need to apply to grad school/teaching programs NOW, have a 10k race on Sunday, another two weeks later and a half marathon on Feb. 11th that I haven't trained for, and want to plan my next vacation/adventure to Tibet (I know, that shouldn't be a complaint). Oh, and I have to go to work. And its cold (not for those of you in Minnesota... but it is technically FREEZING). I bike to work, ok?
Whine over, I'm still working on returning to routine (and worrying that I possibly never had one). While I'm trying to find my belly button... here's a photo of Emily (I spent Christmas with her and her family, which is when I took this photo).
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