Tuesday, January 31, 2006

You won't believe it...

I'm so anxious about Things That I Need To Do and my Time Left In Japan that I have begun to do the unthinkable. Those of you who really know me (and I assume that's pretty much 100% of you dear 3 loyal readers) will realize this is SO NOT ME. But as of this week, I've hit a new level of desperation in regards to having too much to do and not enough free time left to acomplish it all.

So anyway, its come down to a solution I'd been trying to avoid at all costs and never dreamed I would have to resort to. Dad, you'll want to sit down for this one.
I've been getting up early.
I know it sounds insane, for me, and before you get the wrong impression I better say its only been three days. I've doubled my panic by sitting down to look at the calendar- my two months left in Japan as a resident and trying to figure out when I can do everything I still want to do... and more importantly see everyone I want to see. I had to get up early to meet the fix-it guy who was coming to my apartment Friday. Something about being up for a good hour or more before leaving the building (I usually spend about 45 minutes between the moment I get up and the moment I lock my door) has been refreshing and calming. I haven't actually gotten that much done, but as I go to be panicked about being behind etc., its been reassuring to know I have time in the morning. I feel more organized, if anything.

Of course, this is destined to fail because... well I just can't keep it up. But I just thought you should know.


Blogger jaclyn said...

ha ha ha. Actually I'm taking the Kool-Aid to work to share with the kiddies (that's probably a mistake). The rest I will be rationing till I leave. Thanks!

1/31/2006 3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see...your mom, Brook, Natalie. Is that the "three readers" you were talking about, because if so, color me sad and confused. Bet you can't guess who this is.

2/01/2006 5:38 PM  
Blogger jaclyn said...

hm.... I guess three is a bit small because I KNOW my Grandma and Grandpa are reading, too. Grandma doesn't say "sad and confused" though... so I guess maybe I have 6 readers? ;) Not sure how I confused you... but sorry!

2/02/2006 4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can bump that up to 7. When Tyler is good and takes naps, I am a faithful reader. I am not sure what I am going to do for entertainment when you move back to the states. I am sure writing about Indiana or Detroit isn't as exciting as Japan.

2/06/2006 5:28 AM  
Blogger jaclyn said...

thanks Erin! (and Tyler!) ;)

2/06/2006 3:21 PM  

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