You won't believe it...
I'm so anxious about Things That I Need To Do and my Time Left In Japan that I have begun to do the unthinkable. Those of you who really know me (and I assume that's pretty much 100% of you dear 3 loyal readers) will realize this is SO NOT ME. But as of this week, I've hit a new level of desperation in regards to having too much to do and not enough free time left to acomplish it all.
So anyway, its come down to a solution I'd been trying to avoid at all costs and never dreamed I would have to resort to. Dad, you'll want to sit down for this one.
I've been getting up early.
I know it sounds insane, for me, and before you get the wrong impression I better say its only been three days. I've doubled my panic by sitting down to look at the calendar- my two months left in Japan as a resident and trying to figure out when I can do everything I still want to do... and more importantly see everyone I want to see. I had to get up early to meet the fix-it guy who was coming to my apartment Friday. Something about being up for a good hour or more before leaving the building (I usually spend about 45 minutes between the moment I get up and the moment I lock my door) has been refreshing and calming. I haven't actually gotten that much done, but as I go to be panicked about being behind etc., its been reassuring to know I have time in the morning. I feel more organized, if anything.
Of course, this is destined to fail because... well I just can't keep it up. But I just thought you should know.
ha ha ha. Actually I'm taking the Kool-Aid to work to share with the kiddies (that's probably a mistake). The rest I will be rationing till I leave. Thanks!
Let's see...your mom, Brook, Natalie. Is that the "three readers" you were talking about, because if so, color me sad and confused. Bet you can't guess who this is.
hm.... I guess three is a bit small because I KNOW my Grandma and Grandpa are reading, too. Grandma doesn't say "sad and confused" though... so I guess maybe I have 6 readers? ;) Not sure how I confused you... but sorry!
You can bump that up to 7. When Tyler is good and takes naps, I am a faithful reader. I am not sure what I am going to do for entertainment when you move back to the states. I am sure writing about Indiana or Detroit isn't as exciting as Japan.
thanks Erin! (and Tyler!) ;)
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