More Yama(s)*
I finally got more pictures of our Kamikochi/Yarigatake hike from Tom. Here they are for your viewing pleasure!! The first is me going UP the very tippy-top of Yarigatake. I am very, very happy not to have my pack on my back for the first time in 10 hours or so. The second is the two of us on The Top. The third is the next morning, me at my tea break as Tom has just finished climbing the peak for the second time (no thank you!!). All of the photos are here.

*(Inside Joke Explanation): When I was home, my parents had just welcomed a new exchange student from Chile, where they apparently have many llamas. In her totally cute and accurate Spanish accent, Belen pronounces "llama" with the LL sound as a Y (they do that in Spanish, I know 'cuz I studied it back in the day). So- Belen was telling us about all the "yamas" in Chile. Well, (and here's where you get the cross-cultural inside joke explained) here in Japan, "yama" is the word for mountain. Which of course, is what I assumed she was talking about. It was good for a giggle then, anyhow.
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