Very IN-ter-esting
There are several ways people end up reading this website. I assume that most of you are here because you are one of my small group of family and friends who, after three plus years of reading, are either too patient to tell me to shut up or too busy to go to Borders (and I love you all). Others get here from the very few links on other Japan related websites. The seemingly more popular way to get to this site is to find it via a search engine like yahoo or google. This way is pretty fun for me too, because I can track the searches and some of them are downright hilarious. Two of the more recent searches that brought up my website (WHY?!) are "want to meet Japanese lady" and my personal favorite "pee in hand".
Well, there is another way you can be found -- I searched on "Japan" at It actually beats the Gomiuri Shimbun for turning up interesting Japan news (not that this is saying much.)
Michael Turner
Wow- now that's a compliment... or maybe not. :) thanks though!
btw, someone else found my site by google-ing "how to sit in a skirt". Indeed!
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