Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Enough Already!

I'm about to attempt to achieve 8 full hours of sleep for the third night in a row. I emphasize the "attempt" and not the "achieve" because the last TWO nights in a row I have been deeply, agonizingly, and painfully disturbed by a horrible little insect. That's right.. the mosquito. I suspect that there are actually several mosquitos enjoying my adorable but screen-lacking apartment at this very moment. Mosquitos haven't really bugged me (ha!) since my days of summer camp in Minnesota. HOW-ever. This week I've been pushed to the edge. Again, the last TWO nights in a row I have been jolted awake more-than-once by the ever so frustrating and urgent buzz circling my ear. Last night I rolled over and found myself not only suddenly awake and itchy but also stuck in the middle of a oh-too-catchy tune we're using at school this week. I was miserably entrenched in the verse that has to do with fruit. Let me ask you: would you rather be carried away by mosquitos in your sleep or unable to escape a Jamaican fruit song for pre-schoolers while awake at 3:00am. That's about where I was WAY too early this morning. And now I'm exhausted but literally JUST heard another of the little buggers (ha! again) and can't believe they're getting so brave as to start flying at me while I'm still verticle.

I'm really not exaggerating- my pillowcase has blood on it where I must have managed to kill one in my sleep. I have scratchy red bites every-where: my shoulders, my chest, one on the top of my right foot and another on the bottom, between my toes and fingers, even In My EAR!!!

So that's it. Enough is enough. I vow to stay up until I hunt every last one down (don't ask me how but I will dammit) and smooosh it so I can get a good night's sleep.



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