Elmer's Glue & Halloween
I just spent the last twenty minutes or so building this Oh-so-scary (on several levels) skeleton from pasta. When I was looking for ideas for a Halloween themed craft to do with the kids this week, I thought this would be kinda fun. I'm sure it will be... but I didn't realize how hard it is to glue pasta! Elmer's takes a loooong time to solidify. The only glue we have is the new fangled glitter/colored glues (much like what we tried to create ourselves by cutting up and adding magic markers to the original white stuff back in 4th grade. Elmer must've heard). Anyway, because of this, I think the kids are going to be way more excited about using the glue than making the skeletons!!
This is what mine looks like.

Thank god for all those art classes, eh? I'm also feeling mighty blessed (to the point of silliness) that this is the extent of my prep work for tomorrow's classes. I also can look forward to building spiders out of bananas, crackers, and "Pocky" for legs during this week's snack times. This is the reward of dealing with Thursdays of terror (see below).
Wow, just this minute there was a pretty strong earthquake. After riding out the first few wiggles I got up and slid across my floor to my veranda (why I never go out the FRONT door where I could escape via stairs is beyond me and my gut instincts I guess) and watched my plants, powerlines, and neighbor's laundry sway. It was big enough that my glass sliding doors were rattling. That always gets my heart pounding. I was relieved to see the ojiisan (old guy) next door poke his head out his front door (he's Japanese- well trained on escape!), I wasn't the only one concerned enough to get up on a gray Sunday afternoon. I checked the TV after we stopped moving and sure enough, it registered a 4 on the Japanese scale. Giddyap!
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