ok... I admit it!! I broke down and turned my heater on yesterday.... I am so weak. (Start Rant)
My goal was to make it to November without using any kerosene, but it didn't happen. For those of you who I haven't complained to about the "heating system" in Japan... Yeah.. there is none. Basically it is freezing everywhere, every day of winter. Japanese homes are built with thin walls (I propped my bike against an outside wall once and the flourescent light in my bathroom on the inside of the wall fell off and broke!) and no insulation. On top of that (and this is the real kicker), there is no central heating in homes or schools. What this means to those of you who will never have to experience it (you lucky, warm people!) is that through winter you feel like you are living in a tent. We have little tiny heaters that are about two feet off the ground, which we fill with kerosene. Then, when you enter the room (and its freezing), you push the button and wait for the kerosene to light. While you're waiting, you slowly turn blue. Finally, the kerosene lights and you plop down right in front of the heating vent. Soon... you either warm up or you pass out from the kerosene fumes. Of course, when you leave that room and go elsewhere, you must repeat the process. Unless, of course, you are going to the bathroom or the shower, where there is no heater (though the toilet seat is heated!) and you therefore just freeze. One of the "funnier" things about this system is that since we heat our rooms by burning kerosene, the heaters automatically turn off after 3 hours so that you don't die in your sleep from the fumes. When they turn off, you are technically supposed to open the windows. Does this sound like an unbelievably backward system to anyone else?? Rotary Exchange and Global both taught me not to judge the customs of another country... but why can't a country that has cell phone technology as an artform and a robot for an ambassador figure out an effective way to keep from freezing all winter? It's all very silly. The above goes for my day to day at school, only its worse there since our school resembles one in California, with open (to the outside) hallways and doors which are kept open through the coldest winter days.
The above was a rant... later when it is actually cold out, I will cut and paste it so I can get more sympathy. No, it isn't that cold yet, but the cold nights have brought back the memories of last year and as much as I am enjoying the changing season... I am dreading the days of 24 hour long underwear and the constant smell of burning kerosene!
(Rant Over) This week is flying! Since tomorrow is Halloween and a Friday and a English Drawing day... I am really busy. Tonight I am going to try making some orange pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies for the Lotto Drawing. Then I need to assemble my costume- I am going to be a Christmas Tree this year! I promise to take some pictures. I'll be attending the Halloween party after school at Jaclyn's school... hopefully they can figure out why I've wrapped myself and my green sweater in sparkly garland! I also need to run to the grocery store and stock up on candy. I have been promising classes that if they come "trick or treat" at my desk tomorrow in costume... they will get candy. I don't have a clear idea of how many students will actually attempt to find a costume. I'm guessing most of them will come in club uniforms or make a mask out of notebook paper. It should be really interesting.
This weekend is the Apple Marathon.. I really hope we have good weather! Last year, in the course of the race, it snowed, got sunny, got cloudy, was cold, was hot, and was really windy (when we were going uphill!). Since I'm only running half the distance I did last year, I will hopefully have fewer weather changes.
A little over 3 weeks until I leave for Thailand...!
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