This week everything is crazy busy again... predictable since last week was light. Tonight I have my adult English class and I haven't finished planning. Tomorrow I have four classes, one of which will be part of PTA day where the parents are invited to attend class. No pressure or anything. It has been difficult planning a class for the first graders, who officially don't really know how to say much at all (unofficially are very quickly forgetting piles of Elementary school English that we don't let them use) while keeping their parents in mind. The teacher I'm teaching it with would like the parents to be able to participate. That probably means we'll have about 60 people walking around saying "My name is.... Do you play tennis?" about this time tomorrow. I'm looking forward to finishing the day tomorrow.
On the side, we're also finishing up last minute planning for climbing Mt. Fuji this weekend. I climbed it when I was here the first time, but Danielle, Jaclyn, Sara, and Tom haven't so I'm tagging along. Actually, this time should be even "better" since Tom and I are going to attempt the entire mountain as opposed to starting at the 5th station (of 10) like 99% of the climbers do. It will be a long Saturday... hopefully it doesn't rain. Although, the saying here is "A wise man climbs Fuji once in his lifetime, a fool climbs it twice" (or something similar)... so maybe it would be better to hope for rain!
And here's just one more glimpse into the rapidily changing sociology of Japan... you picture temples, sushi, sumo and perfect rock gardens?? Well-- this article reflects another glimpse of today's Japanese culture. One I both appreciate and discourage as much as possible. (also just one more statement of just how out in the boondocks I really live!!!) Here's the link.
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