Monday, November 07, 2005

Urgent: Ideas Needed!

No, not for my novel, I'm still doing just fine on that front. I've reached and surpassed my first 10k, in fact.

No, perhaps since I've been dumping all of my creative energy into the novel instead of work... I am completely stuck trying to think up a kids snack for next week. I am desperate for new strokes of genius! Please lend me your minds!

Here's what I need:

A snack that relates to either a) Nature or b) sport/outdoor activity.

It has to be something the kids can make and eat (and clean up) within 30 minutes. Age group: 4-7 years old.
Available equipment: cutting board, refridgerator, toaster, hot plate, juicer, ice cream maker, sink, anything I can buy at a grocery store. No stoves or ovens!

Examples: English muffin pizzas (we made faces on the cheese with the veggies), rainbow toast (we made 6 colors of milk then painted it onto toast before toasting), pancakes (made in different shapes), ice cream (in different flavors). I also did watermelon this summer- didn't really take assembly but then we colored watermelons and glued on the actual seeds from the slice they'd just eaten... so it could be a combo snack/activity too.

Please, please help me out here! Thanks a million! (Feel free to post to the comments, maybe your ideas will inspire me or someone else).


Blogger jaclyn said...

Update: I'm doing edible peanut butter play dough. I tried it out tonight on my own in my kitchen and despite the fact that wheat germ smells undeniably like sawdust... I think (and hope) it's going to work. We shall see.

11/13/2005 6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good idea! I think it's going to work. I wish I had some good ideas..^^;


11/13/2005 7:45 AM  

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