There's a massive typhoon outside my door and I got poo-ed on today... its great to be back in Tokyo!!
he he he.
This last trip home made me miss my family, my friends, riding the El through Chicago, real coffee, and just generally "being home" more than ever before. That said, my life here is a real riot. Seriously, there's really not that much going on here. We're winding down a very muggy summer and as I mentioned, Typhoon #11 (no cool names here) is doing its thang outside my door. It is huge and very slow moving garunteeing us a week of rain but about 4 less degrees of heat (which makes quite a difference in Celsius land). It should be back out to sea by tomorrow afternoon leaving some perfect hiking weather (shhhh!!! don't tell Mama Weather my secret plans).
I'm back in my running, studying, swimming, hang with Tom when possible routine. We've hired a new guy to replace the other American teacher at work. He starts next week and is a staff alumnus of Mori No Ike, so I have a lot of faith in him. And work's just so much fun that I'm not terribly worried about the transistion. Today- my little friend Kundai (possibly the most petite 2 year old boy we've got... I swear he weighs like 20 pounds, max) made me sick to my stomach and I still love him to death. He's in the process of being potty-trained, with emphasis on the "in the process" part. I don't want to gross anyone out, but I have to say I cannot imagine how moms out there deal with the amount of poop that can come out of a child that small (and how much space it can cover) alone. Unreal. Let's just say it took two of us, fighting back the urge to hurl, to wash pants and kid. I gave up with the TP and just stuck the kid in the sink- he had poo on his feet!! It was so funny.
Honestly, I find it hard to believe its possible to be so happy in one place while longing so much for another... I am so blessed to be able to live in both!