Sunday, May 30, 2004

Its a muggy Monday here in Misato. I have a sneaking suspicion that the rainy season may have just started. For the first time since last August, last night never managed to cool down at all. I can't believe were back to hot already!!

Well- Mom & Dad are back home safe in Indiana. We had a short but great last 24 hours together on Friday/Saturday. I got to leave Misato early Friday afternoon and took a huge, heavy suitcase filled with all my winter clothes and some of my bigger books up to dump in Tom's extra bedroom for the time-being. I'd like to spend as little as possible on shipping my stuff, and since Tom's business tripping for most of July... I'm already feeling the pinch.

Tom and I took my parents to Asakusa to show them the Sensoji Temple (featured in my photos from one of my trips there earlier this year). It was a distinctly different atmosphere hot than it was right after the New Year. We also enjoyed over an hour shopping in the electric store heaven, Akihabara. Dad got a new toy, a high-tech MP3 player and Mom and I just stood back and cheered him on. It got Tom thinking about new digital cameras though...

With Mom and Dad off to the plane, Tom and I had a relatively quiet weekend. We wanted to go out on the town and do something to celebrate our 3rd anniversary of hanging out ;) but there wasn't a lot going on. Instead we had dinner at a cool Japanese-Mexican place on the open top floor of a 3 story building. We got all spiffed up yesterday afternoon instead and went way out west to enjoy a concert by the Vienna Boys Choir. It was pretty cool- they sung in 5 different languages and performed classics (Strauss, Haydn, etc.), popular stuff (New York, New York, Eternal Flame), and a few Japanese tunes (Akatombo). They even did a couple of folk dances and showed of their leiderhosen!!

Happy June, all!


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