Monday, June 20, 2005

For those of you out there who appreciate National Public Radio (NPR), and its affiliates as much as I do or who grew up on staples such as Sesame Street and Reading Rainbow, you should read up on the budget cuts underway this week. Yes, there's that old e-mail chain letter that has been going around for half of forerver that warns of this... this time it is for real. Read up on how this affects NPR here: NPR: CPB Budget Threatened, taken from Here's the appropriate page on the PBS website. The funding cuts hurt children's television program most dramatically. These are really great shows... they deserve public funding and our support. If you feel the same, read up on the issue and make calls to your representatives (or e-mail... just get involved so our federal government knows NPR and PBS are too important to jilt financially). Thanks for your attention! Have a great week!


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