Wow- it took me less than a week to catch my first little kid cold! Aaaaaaa-choo!
I'm slugging my way through my second week as a pre-school English teacher, but the sniffles and hacking aren't helping my singing voice one bit. I'm starting to get a bit scared of the play-doh. Its been poked, squished, and molded by so many little, tiny, probably dirty hands that it ought to glow by now. And yet, I can't keep my own fingers out of it. I'm making a rut in the floor between the play-doh, the tissue, and the sink to wash my hands.
Today I wore my overalls to work! Isn't that cool!? And Rara, one of the little girls was fascinated with the ladybug on my edelweiss pendant that I was wearing. I took her attention as a compliment since she's a 3 year old who came to school last week in a white fur/high heeled-boot combo (I kid you not!).
Well back to my Macro homework, I've got to get another chapter done so I can go play in the snow again this weekend. Off to Yuzawa on the shinkansen to make use of my skis!
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