Sunday, March 19, 2006

Two Weeks?!?

Actually, not even. Just so you don't think I'm making this up here are the stats:

6 days of work (Last day is 3/28 and this Tuesday is a holiday)
1 more weekend in Tokyo
2 more weekends in Japan (total)
10 more days in my apartment (that's an overestimate, I want to move out this weekend, just not sure if I'll succeed).
2.5 weeks until I leave for China (not that I have tickets.

It's begining to sink in that I'm running out of time. It would help to have only moving, or only moving and Tibet, or even only moving, Tibet, and training Samantha to worry about. But no (let me just make this list to get it off my chest and then I'll try to stop being such a whiner); I need to:

Move out and get all my things to Tom's (across town with two train changes), the garbage, or the post office.
Wrap up "training" Samantha, my successor at school and complete my lessons/prep.
Plan, create, and host a run for my hash crew on 3/39 (currently only a vague idea and no restaurant reservation).
Clean my apartment and all the furniture/appliances going to the orphanage by this Sunday.
Cancel all my utilities, internet, & cell phone (mostly done).

Buy tickets to Chengdu, China and secure Chinese Visa.
Buy ticket to Indianapolis, one-way.
Spend 3/31-4/4 in Osaka visiting host families, friends, and Koya-san One Last Time.

Correspond with E*MU program advisors to figure out what classes I need to take before starting the teaching program so I can...
Register at I*UPUI for summer classes.

And on top of all that, my Econ final had the nerve to come this week. So without enough time to re-prepare, I spent almost three hours taking/hopefully not failing it. It must say "throw anything at me now, please?" in invisible-only-God-can-read print across my forehead.


With that off my chest let me take this opportunity to proclaim publicly my goals for the week.

a) finalize my tickets so I can stop worrying about them.
b) Clean
c) Stop focusing on all the unexpected problems and instead enjoy my last week and a half in Tokyo. The cherry blossoms are going to pop early- just for ME!!

I can't believe I'm leaving.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jaclyn, Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy your time left - but remember the passport! Love Mom

3/21/2006 12:00 PM  

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