Tuesday, May 13, 2003

I've obviously had too much time on my hands today: I'm having an "I don't know what I want to be" day. Blargh...

Most of you know by now that I'm seriously considering becoming a "real" teacher in the near future. I've been looking into programs and researching my options. I still haven't the faintest idea what I'm doing. Upon reflection, I realized that I don't exactly remember what middle school social studies is like. Nor do I know what it is like today.. and my guess is that things change every year. Honestly, I'm definitely dragging my feet on handing over another huge stack of money and investing more years of my life for another degree/certificate that I may or may not use. Particularly since it has become clear that I'd have to take quite a few of extra undergrad courses to even qualify for an education program. (What? I need to actually have studied U.S. Goverment in the last ten years to teach it?) Too bad I didn't consider this all at Olaf.. hindsight gives me a headache. I really want to make an educated decision on what to do next. I don't exactly know quite how, other than consulting my Magic 8 ball (thanks Teff!).

Today I had more of a "Do I really want to teach?" moment. I don't know how it started, but I'm back to daydreaming about working overseas in a peace corps like job. One of my main problems (and there are many, don't worry Grandma) with that has been the fact that I have very few real skills. Besides energy and a willingness to get filthy dirty and do anything... I have zippo to offer anyone that would make hiring me a worthwhile investment. So, do I go study agriculture? Or business? I sure as heck don't have any interest in teaching English longer after I'm done with my current posting. Explaining English is a nightmare! You would think that someone who has always loved studying foreign languages would love her own... but I hate English (at least teaching it)!

so there's a download worth chewing on.. I'm going to go weed in my garden. It's my newest hobby and I don't have to worry about ever finishing. Let me know if you have a clearer vision in your Magic 8 Ball.


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